A gear motor is also called a geared motor, a gear reducer, which is an all-in-one combination of a speed reducer with a motor and serves as a gearbox to reduce speed while increasing torque. A DC gear motor, also known as a gear reduction motor, is the combination of a DC motor with a matching gearbox. The function of the gear reducer is to provide a lower speed and a larger torque. At the same time, different gear ratios of the gearbox can provide different speeds and torques, which greatly improves the utilization rate of DC motors in the automation industry.

Usually, many gear motor manufacturers produce and assemble a speed reducer and a motor to supply a complete geared motor. Geared motors are widely used in the steel industry, machinery industry, etc. 

Gear motors have many types of gearboxes which differ mainly based on the construction and arrangement of the gears. The operation features of the gearbox depend greatly on these different configurations. Gear motors can be classified according to the motors they are paired with, including bevel gears, helical gears, hypoid gears, spur gears, and worm gears.

Different gear motors contain different and special applications as well as advantages and disadvantages. For example, helical gears provide more torque capacity than spur gears, therefore, they generate less noise. Another example is that worm gears work efficiently in the low torque angle and are well suited for high-speed reductions.

The gear motors, and integrated units, make the motor design simplified and space-saving. By and large, geared motors have the following advantages.

  • Longer Service Life and Cost Savings.

Gear motors are manufactured with precision processing to ensure accurate positioning, which helps to extend the span life of the gear motor. The application of a combination of a suitable size motor and gear head helps to decrease the overall cost of operating the system.

  • Environmental Benefit.

Greenhouse gas emissions from industrial motor systems account for about 1/12 of the emissions from fossil fuel power plants. Greenhouse gas production can be significantly reduced through effective reducers, such as geared motors, which reduce the power consumption of motors.

  • Higher Torque.

Gear motors provide high torque based on the gear ratio when directly coupled to the motor output shaft. For example, if a motor generates 100 lb-in. of torque, attaching a 5:1 gearhead with the motor will generate an output torque of 500 lb-in.

Peaco Support is one of the industrial geared motor suppliers, that focuses on providing various standard and customized geared motors for various applications with global customers according to different requirements of varied industries. Peaco Support specializes in AC gear motors and DC gear motors, including single-phase AC gear motors and three-phase AC gear motors with a wide range of power, as well as 12V DC gear motors, 24V DC gear motors, and also 36V, and 48V gear motors. The gear motor price is usually affordable and the efficient geared motors with high quality will be delivered by Peaco Support with short lead time.