1. Low rigidity mechanism requires gain adjustment

According to the strength of the mechanism for looseness, torsion, and extension, it can be classified into low rigidity and high rigidity. For example, high-rigidity mechanisms include ball screws and index plates. The belt mechanism is a low-rigidity mechanism and requires gain adjustment.

Why does a low-rigidity mechanism need gain adjustment?

Firstly, when the stepper motor is rotating and the output shaft of the motor is running, the belt will carry the objects to the workbench in an elongated state.

What's more, when the motor stops, the rigidity is low and the belt is bent and there will be an overshoot phenomenon. As a result, the output shaft of the stepping motor is forced to rotate, resulting in deviation.

At last, the stepper motor starts to rotate repeatedly to return to its original position. To reduce this vibration, gain adjustment will be implemented.

Since the servo motor is a closed-loop control, the corresponding gain adjustment must be made according to the load state. When the gain is high, the responsiveness is high. Relatively, it is more susceptible to vibration and when the gain is low, the responsiveness is poor. However, the stepping motor is a synchronous motor with open-loop control. Thus, there is no requirement on the rigidity of the mechanism, and the movement as a set can be obtained without gain adjustment.

Therefore, a stepper motor on a low-rigidity mechanism, such as a belt mechanism, can save time for gain adjustment and can improve working efficiency.

2. High response of stepper motor

Generally speaking, a stepper motor is a kind of motor controlled by an open loop that follows instructions for synchronous movement. Although the servo motor has advantages in high-speed operation, the open-loop stepping is faster in command following.

In addition, stepper motors are more responsive than servo motors and have no settling time. The stepper motors feature high responsiveness not only in the belt mechanism but also in other mechanisms, which can greatly shorten the response time and can also realize synchronous operation with multiple stepping motors.

3. Low vibration

Peaco Support stepper motors and drivers have very good vibration. The stepper motor has an optimized internal structure, and its torque, allowable radial load, and vibration have been improved. The DSP series stepper drivers adopt a micro-step drive with fully digital control, which greatly improves the vibration amplitude and achieves lower vibration at full speed.

With the structural optimization of the stepper motor and the micro-step drive of the stepper motor driver, the vibration of each step is reduced and the vibration in the low-speed range is greatly reduced. The torque is relatively stable when the motor runs at medium to high speeds and there will be no out-of-step phenomenon. Thus, speeding up the belt mechanism is safe. The belt mechanism is matched with the Peaco Support stepper motor and driver, which can achieve no-gain-adjustment, high responsiveness, and low vibration, making the equipment operate more stable and reliable.